Adolescent 360

A woman sitting beside a man points to an image on a page being held by a young woman


A360 aims to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health, with a focus on girl-centered contraceptive programming to increase uptake of modern contraceptives.

In 2016, Population Services International (PSI), withfunding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation andthe Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)launched Adolescents 360 (A360), a 4.5-year projectworking directly with young people to design and deliverinterventions that increase demand for, and voluntaryuptake of, modern contraception among adolescent girlsaged 15-19. This series of technical briefs introduces A360’sdesign and implementation of four interventions acrossthree countries: Smart Start in Ethiopia, Kuwa Mjanjain Tanzania, Matasa Matan Arewa (MMA) in northernNigeria, and 9ja Girls in southern Nigeria.

A360 pursued an expansive approach,emphasizing meaningful engagement of young people toco-design interventions that would be relevant to themwithin the individual country contexts, while maintainingan emphasis on continuous project learning.

View project website


2016 - 2020


Tanzania, United Republic of

Knowledge Area

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health


Approaches used in this project