
Common Principles of Design in Global Health

This publication illustrates the Principles of Design and Global Health. It draws on Yale University’s Ten Principles to Strengthen Global Health, Alma Ata Declaration, Principles for Global Health Research, Standford University’s d.mindsets, IDEO’s 7 Values that Drive design and Braun’s 10 Principles of “Good Design”.

Inside you'll find:

  • 10 Principles of Design and Global Health
  • References to additional reading material
  • Explanations of each principle
Preview of a PDF publication entitled Principles of Design

Common Principles of Design in Global Health


"We understand that health systems sit at the intersection of complex global, national, regional, and local culture and politics. We elevate contextual factors through rich user engagement and use an iterative approach to help adapt solutions to different cultures and ensure a good fit to national, regional, and local contexts."